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The artist of essences

The artist of essences

The artist of essences

International bestseller sculptor, creator of the “ArtEssence” style.

International bestseller sculptor, creator of the “ArtEssence” style.

Miguel’s work is divided into 2 main lines:

1. A work designed for the general public, more accessible, granting access to the work directly from the author to the collector’s home through an agreement with the BuySculpture art gallery.

2. Larger work, normally commissioned, aimed at a corporate audience, physical art galleries, dealers, and any other type of institution with other types of artistic needs and special commissions.


If you want to contact Miguel Guía for any reason, whether you are a press, an art gallery or another type of institution, you can contact us through the web form.

You can also connect and contact Miguel Guía through our social networks, and contact telephone numbers.